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Effective Fall 2023, Deans will be expected to submit a Planning Notice to the Office of the Provost documenting the school’s intent to develop a new degree program, a new undergraduate major, a new track within an existing degree program, or a new certificate program. The Planning Notice should be no more than 5-7 pages, including the cover sheet information, program description areas, and budget. Please be aware that a new program creation can take time, typically 18 months to 2 years, from proposal to launch/first intake of students.

The Planning Notice should be submitted to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs who will share it with the deans of all the schools/college and request comments within 14 days. At the request of any Dean or the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, the Planning Notice can be discussed at the next monthly Dean’s Council meeting. After the 14-day comment period, if there is no call for meeting discussion, the Associate Provost will share any comments received and notify the Dean that development of the full proposal may proceed. 

  • New Degree Programs, Degree Program Tracks, and Certificates must go to the Board of Trustees for approval.  All documentation must be submitted at least two months in advance of the October, January, or April Board of Trustees meeting. 
  • New Cooperative Arrangements with other institutions must be reviewed by the Provost’s Office, Legal and signed by the President.

SACS notification and approval advisory notice: The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accredits an entire institution and its programs and services, wherever they are located or however they are delivered. A SACSCOC accredited school must submit documentation when developing a new program. SACSCOC approval takes time and may impact program launch date. For more information, please contact the University’s Accreditation Liaison (Phil Handwerk, and see WFU Substantive Change Policy.