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Associate Provost for Academic Affairs


Dr. Anne E. Hardcastle serves as the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Spanish in the College. As Associate Provost, Anne is responsible for the development of support and strategic priorities for innovation and success in academic programs. She collaborates with university partners on initiatives for institutional effectiveness, accreditation guidelines and compliance, and assessment to enhance excellence in Wake Forest’s academic programs and academic support offices. 

Anne has been a faculty member at Wake Forest since 2002 and has held leadership roles as chair of the Department of Spanish and Italian, Director of the Film Studies interdisciplinary program, Chair of Chairs, and as Associate Dean for Academic Planning in the College. She served on the university’s Covid-19 planning team and led the College’s work in 2021-2022 for the 5th-year SACSCOC review. Anne earned her undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and her Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees in Spanish from the University of Virginia with areas of focus in modern literature and culture from Spain.

Anne has taught courses that introduce students to varied forms of cultural expression in the Spanish-speaking world, with a focus on cinema in particular. Her research examines the use of popular fiction and film genres – such as horror, fantasy, and melodrama – to highlight tensions in Spanish political feeling around the Spanish Civil War, dictatorship, and transition to democracy. She is especially interested in the intersection of film melodrama, political affect, and nationalism in contemporary Spain. Her work has been published in edited volumes and in journals such as Letras peninsulares, Hispanófila, and Film Criticism

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success (CLASS)
  • Office of Civic and Community Engagement (OCCE) 
  • Office of Institutional Research (IR) 
  • Office of the University Registrar (OUR)
  • New Academic Program proposal and Academic Program change or closure process
  • ACC Academic Leadership Network, WFU liaison
  • Provost’s designee: College Committees on Curriculum, Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, and Academic Planning; university Institutional Effectiveness group; SACSCOC compliance committee; Wakeday / Workday Student Implementation Steering Committee
  • AI Working Groups for Academic and Administrative practices