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For the most updated information on receiving tenure and promotion, please see Chapter 3 of the Faculty Handbook.

Format for Tenure and Promotion Binders to be sent to the Office of the Provost

Submit materials electronically. Please note that items presented below are the minimum dossier requirements and that Dean’s Offices may have additional ones.

  1. Letter from the candidate summarizing teaching, research/creative work, and service accomplishments.
  2. Letter from Dean(s).  Two letters required for candidates who are members of a school faculty and the graduate faculty or two faculties. (for deans only)
  3. Letter from Chairs in the College and/or advisory committees if applicable.
  4. Tenure and Promotion Form submitted by department chair (in print form)
  5. Candidate CV listing peer reviewed and non peer reviewed publications, shows, performances, presentations, etc separately.  List all courses taught and when they were taught as well as all service completed and when (including research, academic, and service advising).
  6. All external letters that were solicited (a minimum of three (3) outside evaluator letters is required).  The majority of those letters (2/3 if there are only 3 letters) must be from people not recommended by the candidate.  If more than three letters are solicited, the majority must still be from people not recommended by the candidate.  Conflicts of interest should be avoided (no letters from former advisers, collaborators, personal friends, etc).
  7. Teaching/course evaluations from the last 3 semesters.  Any committee or peer assessment of teaching which was done should also be included.  If letters from former students are included, the students should have been randomly selected.
  8. In the case of candidates up for tenure or promotion and tenure, copies of all previous pre tenure review documents which have been shared with the candidate (written summaries of annual verbal consultations with candidates are not necessary).
  9. Copies of publications and/or other evidence of scholarly/creative works completed should be held in Dean’s Offices and only submitted to the Provost if requested.  Reviews by others of completed works may be included as well as evidence of citation by others or evidence of the number of libraries which contain the work.
  10. Deans should submit all documentation electronically to the Provost by March 1.